
Yunnan International and CHAM Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement

Yunnan International and CHAM Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement

  • Company News

  • 2023-03-30

On March 28, Yunnan International and CHAM Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Kunming.

Prior to the signing, the two parties held a meeting to conduct detailed exchanges on deepening clean energy cooperation at home and abroad, as well as commercial models, application scenarios, household photovoltaic and other aspects of electrochemical energy storage. Both sides unanimously agreed to form a joint force in three areas, including new energy wind and solar resources and independent energy storage power plant construction, tropical long-life and high safety battery technology development, and Southeast Asia new energy industry chain and market development, and jointly build key laboratories, further expand cooperation modes, implement industrialization, and achieve complementary advantages and resource sharing.


CHAM Battery Technology,
constructing smart living with green energy

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